If you ask her, Raven Laurendine will tell you that her voice is a bit like those of Bonnie Raitt, Chrissie Hynde, Susan Tedeschi, Adele, and Amy Winehouse. She'll tell you this because, like the divas she points to as touchstones of style, Raven is a true contralto. In conventional terms, this means that she possesses a singing voice that covers the deepest range a woman can have; in the language of rock and roll, it means that she sounds like she can summon the Devil to the crossroads with a single note, kick his ass, steal his fire, and make his hellhounds show white while pissing themselves in submission. A common saying among the wild women of opera is that they play only "witches, bitches, or britches." Raven and the Blackbirds sound like they've brought all three to the party and plan to stay till well after your neighbors have called the cops.
More info on Raven Laurendine HERE.