HAAMbassador Spotlight: Paul Gonzales
Paul Gonzales (top row, far right) pictured with the Peterson Brothers Band and HAAMbassadors at a HAAM Pearl Society concert.
During National Volunteer Week, HAAM would like to spotlight volunteer extraordinaire Paul Gonzales. When he's not playing in tennis league tournaments or working as a real estate broker, you can spot native Austinite Gonzales out attending concerts with his family or volunteering with HAAM as one of our HAAMbassadors.
HAAMbassadors are a vital part of HAAM's community outreach, serving as frontline ambassadors to the thousands of Central Texans attending events year-round that benefit HAAM.
We recently caught up with Gonzales to discuss his story of becoming a HAAMbassador, why he thinks HAAM is important for the culture of Austin, and why he has more volunteer hours during the last 5 years than any other volunteer!
HAAM: How did you learn about the HAAMbassador volunteer program?
Gonzales: “I was at a coffeeshop about 5 1/2 years ago ... making a list of all the HAAM Day shows I was going to go. I saw the link on the website that said ‘seeking volunteers.’ So I emailed HAAM and asked if I could volunteer for HAAM Day, which was the next day! I explained that I'd like to volunteer, but it said I needed an orientation. The HAAM staffer replied, ‘if you can be here today by 3 pm, I'll get you set up!’
“So I closed my computer and drove straight to the HAAM offices. They gave me the orientation, and gave me a shirt. I volunteered that next day for HAAM Day and had such a great time! And then I just started signing up regularly to volunteer.”
HAAM: Word on the street is that you have volunteered more hours than anyone in a 12 month period?
Gonzales: “At October of last year, I was at 88 volunteer shifts over 5 years, minus the 2020 Covid shutdown year. So really that 88 shifts happened over 4 years! I don't know how I did it. Though, on HAAM Day, I would do 5-6 hours in a row: 5:30 pm - 1 am.
“I was like: I'm gonna go see these shows anyway, so I might as well sign-up to volunteer!”
HAAM: Do you have a favorite HAAM event at which you've volunteered?
Gonzales: “Of course Ray Benson's Birthday Bash is one I look forward to every year. I always like to do the set-up shift so I can enjoy the show the rest of the time.
“And attending the Austin Music Awards about 3 years ago. I remember I was volunteering with HAAMbassador Kelly Hunka. We were backstage just taking it all in, and it was so cool to see the musicians doing their thing backstage.”
HAAM: Why do you think people should volunteer to become a HAAMbassador?
Gonzales: “Well, A: It's just a lot of fun!"
“And B: When you are volunteering, people ... musicians come up to you and thank you for what you do. It is such a good feeling. People come up to you and say, ‘thank you for what you do. HAAM saved my life … ‘ or ‘HAAM saved my family member's life.’ It happens so often. People you interact with are constantly thanking HAAM.”
HAAM: And why do you think HAAM is so important for our community?
Gonzales: “Austin's slogan has always been ‘live music capital of the world.’ HAAM shows why: Austin takes its musicians seriously. Austin comes together with HAAM to make a huge effort to keep musicians and their families rooted in Austin.”
Sign up now to become a HAAMbassador and get exclusive insight into the Austin music scene while helping to keep our Austin musicians playing music.
Before signing up for a volunteer shift, HAAMbassadors are required to attend an orientation. You will receive a special HAAMbassador t-shirt as well as learn about HAAM’s mission, history and programs.
To learn more about our Volunteer Program and opportunities, please check out our orientation deck. It's also a great reference about HAAM prior to volunteering if you need a quick refresher.